Volunteer Spotlight: Nancy Niu

Meet Nancy, an all-star ICG volunteer who returned to work with us after volunteering last summer. Nancy has rocked many volunteer hats so far this summer—gardening, crafting, and working with families at the Explore the Waterfront program. Thank you for your service to ICG and our community, Nancy!
1. How did you come to volunteer at ICG?
It was during the last summer, during the quarantine, I got really into gardening. When I came back to Ithaca for research, I really wanted to do some volunteering. “What is better than volunteering in the Ithaca Children’s Garden then?” I thought to myself. That’s how I started to work with ICG and I’m so happy I made that decision.
2. Why do you volunteer at ICG?
I like gardening and working with kids. So Ithaca Children’s Garden seems to be a perfect place for my interest!
3. What do you do as a volunteer?
I volunteered in the Kitchen Garden. I helped with weeding, planting new plants and harvesting. Sometimes I helped out with the youth program.
4. What is your favorite aspect or area of the Garden?
I like the Kitchen Garden the best! It has so many vegetables. Beans, herbs, tomatoes. potatoes. Everything is so lively and vibrant with hope and energy!
5. What is your favorite Garden memory?
I enjoy each and every moment being in the Garden. Watching the plants grow and taking care of them, appreciating the blooming flowers, working with other volunteers, watching kids exploring the garden. Everything filled my heart with sweetness. I also really like doing activities with kids. Like making a mini “Gaia” whose shell can grow grass!
6. If you could tell someone one thing about the Garden, what would it be?
I would say it’s a really beautiful garden with all sorts of plants. Vegetables, flower meadows, ponds, and chickens!!! It’s a really cool place to hang out with friends and family, to learn about and enjoy nature.