ICG welcomes all, including schools, homeschoolers, scouts, daycares, garden clubs, designers, professionals, students, advocates, politicians, tourism bureaus, and more.
Field Trip Programs
- No charge for adult chaperones.
Kids’ Discover the Trail Buddy Up Trips
Invoiced at the current Buddy Up rate.
Self-Guided Field Trips
Self-guided field trips require an advanced reservation but are free of charge.
Field Trip Programs for Schools and Youth Groups
Bring your class, scout troop, homeschoolers, youth group, after-school program, or daycare for a field trip to Ithaca Children’s Garden! ICG Educators will welcome you in the Village Green for a series of activities and explorations, ensuring plenty of playtime. Select from the field trip options below, and let us know of any special interests!

Pollen and Parts - Grades 2-5
Dive inside flowers to discover more than their beautiful facades. Dissect their unique structure and inner workings. Become a grain of pollen and figure out how to make your way by wind, animal, or insect to fulfill your mission of ensuring the futures of fruits, seeds, and all life on earth.

All 5 Senses - Grades PreK-5
Enter ICG’s Kitchen Garden and awaken your senses to the tastes, smells, textures, sounds, and sights within. We will use all our senses as we find the hidden rainbow growing, taste and smell herbs, discover why some stems are hairy, and listen to the creatures hidden out of sight.

Purely Play - Grades PreK-12
Play is not just fun; it is critical to learning and healthy child development. Through play, children also develop a relationship with nature, which inspires our future environmental stewards. See what magic unfolds when children have time, space, and permission to play.
Self-Guided Field Trips
Explore Ithaca Children’s Garden at your own pace! Just let us know when you’re going to visit.
It can get busy at the Garden. Please schedule your visit to ensure your group visit doesn’t conflict with other events.
KDT Buddy Up Trips
Connect with your buddy classroom for Kids’ Discover the Trail, choose from one of ICG’s Field Trip Programs, and we’ll leave lots of time to play, explore, and connect with your buddies.
Field Trips for Adults and Professionals
Ithaca Children’s Garden is not just for kids! Learn more about the Garden, its development, horticulture, programs, philosophy, and impact locally, regionally, and nationally. We’re happy to tailor a visit based on your needs and interests.