Meet Weikai: A short story of nature play at work
by Grace Heath

Weikai’s love for the garden was infectious and when his family learned they were moving this past May, they expressed that one of the hardest parts for Weikai would be leaving the garden.
In the fall of 2021, ICG restarted After School @ ICG, previously closed due to COVID. After School @ ICG serves students ages 5-11 from every school across the Ithaca City School District, and aims to engage children in the outdoors and grow their connection with the natural world.
In September of 2021, we welcomed many new faces at After School @ ICG, including Northeast elementary school kindergartener Weikai. Weikai’s parents had enrolled Weikai at ICG with hopes that he would become more comfortable with the outdoors and build connections to not just his peers but with the natural world.
When Weikai first started coming to ICG, he was quite concerned with ‘getting dirty,’ which can significantly limit the type of play and learning available to a child while outdoors. Interested in inventing and building useful “tools” with loose parts around the garden, Weikai started off with a more “tools” based play, which over time led to him becoming more comfortable in exploring the natural space he was in. He began using garden tools create and to do things around the garden, like raking, watering plants, and helping tend bonfires.

By observing how adults care for the garden and how other children interact in the garden, Weikai became more interested in exploring. Between digging for worms, setting up ‘worm races,’ and building giant nests, Weikai was finding more ways to explore without as much concern for ‘getting dirty’.
One of Weikai’s pinnacle moments was when he climbed a tree all on his own. As he made it up the tree, he reveled in his accomplishment just as his parents arrived to pick him up.

Having never done this before, the joy and pride radiated from him. Both parents were so excited to see Weikai’s delight and pride, and quite surprised to learn he did this all on his own.
Over the past two years with After School @ ICG, Weikai became proud and passionate about the garden, always greeting visitors and acting as a spokesperson for the garden on many occasions. Weikai’s love for the garden was infectious and when his family learned they were moving this past May, they expressed that one of the hardest parts for Weikai would be leaving the garden.
Weikai will be greatly missed, yet watching his growth in the garden is a sweet reminder of ICG’s purpose. The unique place and programming affords children the time and space to build their own very special and unique relationship. This sets them up for developing and enjoying that relationship throughout their lifetime.