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Making Pesto Out of the Garden

ICG’s oldest summer camp group, Maples, started their “Great Create” week with a culinary adventure. Garlic scapes grow tall along the edges of garden beds and basil has emerged in the herb bed. It’s pesto time!

Following a recipe lives in a kitchen; we at Ithaca Children’s Garden live in a dream world where we follow our hearts as we measure our ingredients. 

The ingredients that were used:

  • Garlic scapes picked fresh by the Maples
  • Basil picked fresh by the Maples
  • Chives picked fresh by the Maples
  • Vegan parmesan
  • Olive Oil
  • Sunflower seeds

Maples chopped scapes, basil, and chives. They cubed parmesan. Everything went into the blender.

The pesto was enjoyed on top of elbow macaroni and crusty bread.