Inspiring Environmental Leaders

In collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and The Learning Farm, Ithaca Children’s Garden is honored to present a new exhibit to the community: Inspiring Environmental Leaders.
The exhibit comprises 8 large format banners—each featuring an environmental leader who has inspired local youth. Each leader showcased has been selected and written about by local young people who felt their work made a transformative impact in the world.
“Countless leaders from non-colonial and underrepresented identities have made positive, transformative impacts across all environmental fields and these individuals are often ignored or overlooked,” says Erin Marteal, Executive Director of Ithaca Children’s Garden. “We hope this exhibit gives us a more representative understanding of the many voices and minds that have contributed to environmental protection, conservation, and advancements across history. Ultimately, we hope this exhibit inspires future generations of environmentalists across all identities.”
The exhibit is the first of what is envisioned as a series focusing on environmental leaders whose identities and contributions deserve recognition, and inspire future environmentalists.
The greater community is invited to visit the exhibit which will be on display at Ithaca Children’s Garden (121 Turtle Lane) as of Saturday, July 31. The banners are spaced apart to allow for safe social distancing.