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Laurie’s Scholarship Story

At Ithaca Children’s Garden, our vision is that every child has the basic human right to play, learn, and grow outdoors and develop a life-long relationship with the living world. One of the ways we aim to bring the joy of outdoor adventures and nature

Sarah’s Scholarship Story

How has ICG’s scholarship impacted your family? It came at the perfect time. I was nervous about starting work and sending Sam to kindergarten during the pandemic. Knowing he could go to After School @ ICG and be outside helped. He started part-time; then, we

Meet Robin Cochell, Finding Magic In Nature As An Adult

Do you remember the first time something struck you as magical? Robin Cochell (she/her), Ithaca Children’s Garden’s new Operations Manager, remembers the moment clearly:  “It was the first summer I spent in the area. I remember looking outside my bedroom window, seeing sparks across the

Beginner’s Guide to Nature Journaling

+ A Simple Winter Activity By Annika Ross, ICG Youth Garden Educator I love [nature journaling] because it helps me feel connected to the place I’m living in, to all the creatures and plants and rocks and soil I’m living with. Annika Ross, ICG Youth