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Lucas VanDee Takes on Co- Leader Role with TUF

Teen Urban Farmers (TUF), ICG’s longest running program (started in 1999) introduces Lucas VanDee, teen co-leader to assist TUF Manager, Lauren Salzman. Teen Urban Farmers empowers teens through a unique summer employment experience and year-round after-school program. Influenced by positive youth develop research and practices,

Ithaca Children’s Garden Receives Key Funding

ICG is pleased to share the news that we have been awarded two important new grants for garden care and development: $9,700 from The John Ben Snow Foundation, and $60,000 over a four year period through New York State. The John Ben Snow Foundation award

Saying Goodbye to AmeriCorps VISTA, Andrew Slaughter

After offering his hard work, dedication, and good company for two years, Andrew Slaughter, ICG’s AmeriCorps VISTA member, is heading on to graduate school at Duke University. Working as our grant manager, systems administrator, and general office guru, Andrew has been an integral part of ICG

International Mud Day Was A Splashing Success!

More than 500 people attended ICG’s 6th annual International Mud Day at Ithaca Children’s Garden. The event welcomed new and seasoned Garden visitors and made a wonderful muddy mess! Check out event photos on Flickr. In case you missed it, you can see the terrific video produced

ICG Receives APGA Program Excellence Award

We are extremely honored to announce that ICG has been awarded American Public Garden Association (APGA) Program of Excellence Award for the Hands-On-Nature Anarchy Zone. The award “recognizes an Association member garden who has displayed a truly innovative spirit in the development of an original

Announcing TUF’s NEW Micro-CSA Program 2017!

If you like the Teen Urban Farmer’s (TUF) Farmstand, you will love our new micro- CSA program!  This year, in addition to Wednesday’s weekly Farm Stand, we are selling a very limited number (10) of single shares for weekly pick-up. SIGN UP BY 6/23 SO