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Local Brownie Troop gives generous donation to ICG

Philanthropy can start at any age!  On May 22nd, Ithaca Children’s Garden was visited by Brownie Troop 61201. The Troop volunteered in the Garden planting gladiolus under the grape arbor with Facilities Manager Jean Gerow before presenting a generous donation of $150 to ICG, accepted

All Colors of the Earth Walk-Along Story at ICG!

In partnership with the national literacy organization, Children’s Reading Connection (CRC), Ithaca Children’s Garden (ICG) has brought the book “All Colors of the Earth”, written by Sheila Hamanaka, to life through banners fixed along the Story Walk that begins behind the Bulb Labyrinth Memorial Garden

Learning Comes Naturally For These BJM Students

The ICG team has always believed that the Garden is the perfect place for young learning. When ICG’s Executive Director, Erin Marteal, and AmeriCoprs VISTA member, Tori Chamberlain, sat down with Priscilla Reyer, this belief was glowingly reinforced. At the time of the interview, Priscilla

ICG Scholarship Fund to Aid Refugee Families

Katherine Doob, former Ithaca, NY, resident, has given Ithaca Children’s Garden (ICG) a generous donation to establish a scholarship fund to aid refugee families who are interested in attending ICG programs. With a long history in working towards inclusivity, Katherine, hopes that the scholarship fund

ICG Receives 2018 Beautification Award

The value of the Garden to the greater Ithaca community was recognized this week as ICG was awarded the Community Beautification Award for a Civic Association by the Tompkins County Beautification Program. The Tompkins County Beautification Program was established to recognize businesses, civic associations, community partners,

ICG Partners with Gimme! Coffee for a Photo Show

For the months of November and December, ICG has a photo show – titled ICG: Inclusive, Colorful, Growing- at both downtown Gimme! Coffee locations (Cayuga and State Streets) through the end of the year:   This exhibit is a collection of photographs, taken by Garden staff, that highlight the people

Garden Quilts on Display

“Critters of the Ithaca Children’s Garden”  presented by the Ithaca Children’s Garden, is a series of quilts created from pictures of creatures taken in the garden by the artist, and ICG Facilities Manager, Jean Gerow. After making their debut on the walls of Gimme! Coffee,

Playful Nature Preschool Visits Indian Creek Farm

Last week, Playful Nature Explorers Preschool went on a field trip to Indian Creek Farm to see, pick, and taste local apples right at the source. This is part of PNE’s Fall curriculum that includes going over Fall garden harvestables. The curriculum began by learning about the